Anxiety Therapy in La Grange and throughout Illinois


Does it feel like you’re running on empty and always fall to the bottom of your to-do list?

Everyone comments on how you’re so organized and they can’t figure out “how you do it.” You try to do everything right and meet the needs of everyone in your life. You’re overwhelmed, stressed, and feel like you’re always one missed email away from everything blowing up. You try really hard at everything, so why does it feel like you can’t keep up? 

There is zero margin for error

If one thing goes wrong, it will throw off your whole day and the worry and anxious thoughts take over…

  • That workout class you were going to do? F-that! 

  • That nice, nourishing lunch you made for yourself? You forgot to eat it or you ordered out again. 

  • Connection feels like a chore. Playing with the kids, talking with your spouse or the book club you were looking forward to is NOT happening. Instead you retreat to your room, the couch to scroll your phone, or inside your head as you replay the day's worst moments on loop. 

 Anxiety symptoms look different for women

  • The need for order and control 

  • Planning and preparing for things that haven’t or might not happen

  • Feelings of Anger * Rage * Resentment

  • Sensory overload

  • Sleep changes

Symptoms for women also look like that lack of motivation you feel or the feeling of ‘not having your shit together.’ When things that used to be really important seem uninteresting. Difficulty making decisions, increase in negative self-talk, difficulty seeing areas where you are doing a good job.

You’re at the end of your rope and you just want to feel better

What if you could…

  • Manage the kid meltdowns without losing it

  • Connect with your partner again and stop having the same arguments over and over again

  • Sit and enjoy a movie with your family without thinking of everything you have to get done

  • Prioritize your care and wellness more consistently

Anxiety therapy can help by:

Connection and building rapport in a supportive, therapeutic relationship: you aren’t doing this alone.

Validate that this is difficult and you aren’t alone in struggling with it.

Challenge ways you’ve learned to manage and cope that aren’t working

Change the future for yourself and learn to manage stress and anxiety symptoms

Therapy for Anxiety can help you…

  • Identify the root of your anxiety and the biological/lifestyle factors that keep it around 

  • Find ways to reduce stress in different areas of your life

  • Improve skills to reduce anxious thoughts and behaviors

  • Reconnect relationships with supports to help with the mental and physical load 

  • Prioritize your needs and boundaries to help maintain a lower stress environment 

Frequently asked questions anxiety therapy:


  • There are definitely seasons of life that are more stressful and are filled with more worry (shout out to my new moms). But being in a constant state of stress isn’t healthy. Over the past few years, we have been surrounded by more stress. There are certain aspects of people that make them more susceptible to feeling symptoms of stress and anxiety. These are important areas to identify in the beginning of our sessions. But it doesn’t always have to be this way just because it’s always been this way. Learn more.

  • I think of stress as an external experience and anxiety as an internal experience. There is, of course, the internal stress that the body experiences during a disturbing or stressful event that we would explore, but overall, I see anxiety and its symptoms as a person’s reaction to stress. If there is an increase in stress, a person’s worry, appetite, and sleep might change. That being said, if a person is able to use skills to manage their worry and are working on their sleep habits (i.e. their anxiety symptoms) the stressful event or situation may not feel as anxiety provoking. Through therapy, a person can enter change from many angles.

  • Click here to request a free consultation. Prior to our call, you will fill out a brief screening form and from there we will see if we are a good fit during theconsult call.


It is possible to break free from constant stress and anxiety.

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